Monday, February 21, 2011

Things That Can Go Wrong with the Heart

You need to understand Coronary Artery Disease, also known as Atherosclerosis.  If you write this term and definition down and turn it in to me tomorrow, Tuesday Feb. 22nd, I'll give you extra credit for visitng my blog like I told you to do in class! :)  You'll need to visit some of these sites to find the definition! -- Good review site for the heart.  Has a short video on the path that blood takes through the heart. Heart Disease info. 3 cool videos in less than 3 minutes!  Angioplasty, Heart bypass, and Coronary Artery Disease!  Watch these! Ok, this one is not for the faint-of-heart (ha,ha, no pun intended).  It is a LIVE heart transplant does last one hour, so don't stay up all night watching this!  It is pretty cool though!!!

CPR Certification

Many thanks to our nurse, Mrs. Spradlin, for volunteering her time to come in and help us get CPR certified!  EVERYONE passed with great results!

  1. Call 911 
  2. Open airway (head tilt, chin lift) 
  3. Check for breathing (watch chest and feel/listen for breaths) 
  4. If no breathing, give 2 breaths 
  5. Give 30 compressions 
  6. Repeat until AED or help arrives! 
  7. Good form!

    Beginning the process of compressions.

    Saving a life.

    New classmates.  They survived!

    A new student?

    Giving compressions

    Checking to see if the "person" is ok!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Heart Tutorial

Oh yes!  It's another fun tutorial from Mrs. Dokken!!  :)  Hopefully, this will get you prepared for the Heart Unit we are about to begin!  It is a lot of fun.  Always a favorite from the students!  Check out this video to help you fill out the worksheet "Structure of the Heart".  We'll go over it Monday when you return.  No worries, just give it your best.

Here are some links to cool heart videos and websites!  Check them out! This one is short and shows the blood flow. Another good video that is easy and to the point. This one has music and shows the journey of a red blood cell!  Cool!

Friday, February 4, 2011

Muscle Cheat Sheet Info

Here is what you should have on your cheat sheet for Monday!!!

Make a “Muscle Cheat Sheet” for the quiz (Tuesday, Feb. 8th)- One side of 81/2 x 11” paper only!!!

Know the “13 must-know” muscles! (deltoid, masseter, biceps, triceps, trapezius, latissimus dorsi, pectoralis major, obliquus externus, sartorius, quadriceps, hamstrings, gastrocnemius, abdominals)

Difference between voluntary and involuntary muscles (some can be both)

Know that muscles work in pairs. One is an extensor and one is a flexor.

Be able to identify the three different muscle types and know what they look like under a microscope.

Explain lactic acid. What is it?

How are muscles attached to bones?

What is the difference between muscle strains, sprains, and pulls?

What is a fascicle? Fascia? (Both from the ADAM video)

Can you identify the sternocleidomastoid?

***If you don’t know it, look it up on the computer!!***