Procedures for 7th grade Biology
Mrs. Dokken
You will be learning about LIFE this year in science. We will explore the five kingdoms of life. That includes everything from cells and bacteria to plants, animals and humans! Prepare yourself for some fun labs, interesting investigations, and detailed studies. You may just find that you are destined to be a doctor!
1. Come into the classroom quietly
2. Sanitize your hands
3. Get seated in the proper desk
4. Write down your assignment and read the board
5. Be prepared to think like a scientist!
Behavior- I give 7 warning marks, then you are given a detention. (Unless the offense calls for immediate consequences!)
Raise hand to speak Talk without permission
Contribute positively to class Disrupt class
Respect the classroom Vandalize chairs, tables, etc.
Respect classmates Rudeness
“I’ll give it my best” “I can’t”
Many times you will find that you must work on your own in my class. I expect you to be on task at all times.
You will earn approximately 500 points per quarter (1000 points for each semester). These points will consist of daily grades, homework, labs, projects, science journals, group work, presentations, and exams.
Work that is not in my hand at the time it is due is considered LATE. Late work will be deducted 10% for each day it is late.
Science Bucks
Contributing to the class in a positive way can earn you Science Bucks! Science Bucks are randomly passed out during the year for various good actions, such as answering a question correctly, getting a 100% on a paper, doing a good deed for someone…
You may turn in your Science Bucks for candy or other cool things. Beware though, you must give me a Science Buck if you forget your supplies or need to use the restroom frequently.
Science Bucks are YOUR responsibility and will not be replaced if lost or stolen.
Water is always available in my room. Food, however, is not allowed.